How to Help Your Community Through Fundraising

Published 20 November, 2023. Update: 12 June, 2024.
How to Help Your Community Through Fundraising

The importance of giving back to your local community is something we probably don't need to tell you about. Whether you support your nearest neighbours or a local organisation through an online fundraiser – you do fantastic work!

Go to section:

  1. Identifying Community Needs
  2. Starting a Community Fundraising Event
  3. Helping Neighbours Online
  4. Promoting Your Local Fundraiser
  5. Local and Global Success
  6. How Volunteering Helps the Community

Both volunteering and fundraising can have a significant impact. Community volunteering builds connections and strengthens bonds, while fundraising platforms provide vital resources for a variety of causes.

Discover how you can make a positive difference with, because everyone loves positive change in their neighbourhood, don't they?

Identifying Community Needs

Ever wondered if people in your area need help? You won't always find this info online or in the news. While many look to Facebook groups or forums for support, it’s often better to check out the needs yourself. Knowing how to help your community starts with recognising those needs.

Where to start searching? Try reaching out to:

Caring for your community starts with knowing about it. A simple chat with a neighbour could reveal a nearby fundraising event!

Picture shows community of happy people.

Starting a Community Fundraising Event

Fundraising events are fantastic for bringing people together and raising funds for good causes. They not only bring in much-needed funds but also raise awareness and foster community spirit. Online platforms make it easy to turn your fundraising ideas into reality and reach more people, empowering your fundraising cause to have a greater impact.

​​ helps you create and promote your campaign with advanced features. Anyone can raise money for any cause, and it’s completely free!

Raise money for any cause!

Raise money for any cause!

Helping Neighbours Online

There are plenty of fundraising platforms out there, each with its own unique features. You can check out comparisons even on our website. Not too long ago, even Facebook allowed fundraising in Europe, but those tools soon will be no longer available. Don’t worry, though — we’ve got you covered.

We can help you find the answer to, "Are there any fundraising events near me?" Organisers on can easily set up campaigns with specific locations, making it simple for you to support causes you care about!

As an Organiser

Once you've set your goal and amount, take care of your fundraiser. Create a catchy headline, write an engaging description, and add relevant photos. Detail the purpose of your event, whether it's helping an elderly lady who lost her grocery store in a fire or raising money for your neighbours' wedding!

Remember to set a location to encourage local donations. This option is just below the description box.

The graphic shows the function of editing the location of the fundraiser.

As a Supporter

Want to find local fundraising events? Visit the fundraising catalogue on to find a campaign close to your heart. You can browse by category, creation date, or status, and search by location with a set radius.

Besides donating, you can also set up a Moneybox to help the main fundraiser. Just ensure the organiser has activated this option first!

The graphic shows how to search the fundraisers catalogue by location.

Promoting Your Local Fundraiser

Getting your cause noticed requires spreading the word. Here’s how to promote your fundraiser locally:


Ensure people who don’t use the internet learn about your cause. lets you generate posters for your campaign, including a graphic, a link, and a QR code.

The graphic shows the functions for generating a fundraiser poster.

Social media

Share your fundraiser on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or X (formerly Twitter). Use the 'Share' button to quickly inform friends about your cause. Send group emails and consider promoting on Instagram Stories and your profile. For paid ads, check our guide on Facebook advertising.

Local newspapers

Contact local journalists who are often looking for community stories. Find their contact details on news portals or social media.

The photo shows a smiling female journalist.

Local and Global Success

Your fundraiser doesn’t have to stay local. A well-organised campaign can reach a wider audience, involving people from across the country or even the world. is available in many languages and supports multiple payment methods (Google Pay, Apple Pay, Visa, MasterCard, iDeal, Bancontact, Sofort, Skrill and more). It’s also a licensed Payment Service Provider in the European Union.

How Volunteering Helps the Community

Volunteering is vital for community development, fostering a sense of belonging and unity. Participating in community volunteer activities, like organising events or helping at shelters, can make a big impact. Understanding how volunteering helps the community can motivate more people to get involved.

Community Fundraising Ideas and Trends

Stay updated with the latest community fundraising trends to enhance your efforts. Popular ideas include charity runs, bake sales, online auctions, and themed events. These activities raise funds and engage the community in a fun way. Incorporate these trends for a successful fundraising event.

Ready to make a difference in your community? Start your fundraiser today on or find a local cause to support! Together, we can build stronger, more connected communities.

Follow our blog and social media channels (such as Facebook and Instagram) for the most recent advice and guidance.

Visit our FAQ and other articles to learn more about achieving a successful fundraising campaign on!

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