How to Set Up a Successful Facebook Ad: Guide for Fundraisers

Published 18 July, 2023. Update: 29 December, 2024.
How to Set Up a Successful Facebook Ad: Guide for Fundraisers

Wondering how to advertise a fundraiser? This article takes you step-by-step through setting up a full, effective Facebook advertisement for your fundraiser (along with measuring conversions, that is, donations) and shows the scale of involved possibilities! It's not difficult at all, and the results can be stunning! 

Creating a fundraiser with a good headline, description and photos is essential (find out how to do this here). This is the start of your fundraising efforts. But sometimes simply sharing a link with your friends is not enough. Learn how to promote a fundraiser on Facebook!

Go to section:

  1. How effective could Facebook advertising be?
  2. How do I set up a Facebook advertising account?
  3. Setting up an effective, results-measuring Facebook ad step by step
  4. Is there any way to verify the domain in my ad manager?

How effective could Facebook advertising be?

Here we possess information from our own experience. We have sometimes set up ads with a return of up to 20 times, meaning for every €20 spent, the ad generated €400 income for the fundraiser! 

It should be mentioned that such effective advertising is mainly for charitable fundraisers, which the general public can decide to support (this does not mean that other fundraisers will not achieve good results in advertising). The most important factors are a good, attractive photo, engaging text and the correct configuration of the ad. We describe the most relevant configuration issues in simple steps below.

How do I set up a Facebook advertising account?

Creating an advertising account (i.e. an Ads Manager) is a straightforward operation, requiring only to set up a 'company' page (click here) on Facebook and have a payment card. Once you have set up your company page, you do not need to create an account in the Ads Manager because Facebook does it automatically. Just add your payment card and you are done! The whole process is described here.

Setting up an effective, results-measuring Facebook ad step by step

When your Ads Manager account is ready, you can move to configure your ad and the elements that measure the payback (this is known as measuring conversions, which are the contributions raised for your fundraiser by the ad).

Add a Facebook Pixel to your fundraiser

 Facebook Pixel is a special code that tracks conversions. If you already have a Pixel, open this link, copy your Pixel ID and proceed as described in step 6.

Screenshot showing the overview page of a Facebook Pixel setup. The page title reads  

If you don't have a Facebook Pixel yet, then you can create one as described in steps 1 - 5 below:

1. Go to the Events Manager (in your Ads Manager)

2. Click " Connect data": 

Illustration showing the welcome screen of the Events Manager tool. On the left, there is text explaining the tool's features, including connecting data, gaining actionable insights for businesses, and optimizing ads to drive outcomes. Each feature is briefly described with an icon beside it. At the bottom, a blue button labeled Connect Data is visible. On the right, there is a colorful illustration of two people interacting with charts, shopping icons, and tools representing data and advertising elements.

Then select the " Web" option 

Popup window titled Connect a new data source with instructions for sharing customer interaction data to create audiences, run campaigns, and optimize ads. Four options are displayed: Web, App, Offline, and CRM. The Web option is selected, allowing users to connect their website to share online activity like viewing content, adding to cart, and purchase events. Other options include connecting an app, offline data from physical stores, or CRM for lead generation. Buttons at the bottom include Cancel and Connect, with a link for Give feedback.

3. Add the name of the Pixel.

Popup window titled Create pixel with instructions to create a pixel for sending web events and parameters from a website, including customer actions and browsing behavior. A field labeled Name your pixel contains the text my_pixel. Below, there is a note about complying with policies, protecting user privacy, and avoiding sharing sensitive user data. Links to Learn more, Help Centre, and Meta Business Tools Terms are provided. Buttons at the bottom include Back and Create Pixel, along with a link for Give feedback.

4.  In the next step, skip the website URL

Popup window titled Add your website with instructions to enter a website URL after creating a pixel. It explains that data can be connected using a partner such as Shopify, WordPress, or WooCommerce. A text field labeled Enter website URL contains a placeholder URL Below, there is a checkbox option labeled I don't have a website. At the bottom, there is a Continue button and a link for Give feedback.

5. Select " Meta Pixel only". You will see the ID number of your Pixel below. Copy it. 

Popup window titled Choose how to connect your website with two options. The first option, Conversions API and Meta pixel, marked as recommended, explains that it combines server and website data for improved targeting and optimization, with an average 13% CPA improvement. A Learn more link is provided. The second option, Meta pixel only, describes using just the pixel to track web activity and customer actions, with a note about browser-based ad blockers potentially preventing data collection. It mentions that the Conversions API can be set up later. At the bottom, the selected pixel is listed as my_pixel with its ID, followed by Back and Next buttons, and a link for Give feedback.

6. Next, go to the view of your fundraiser, scroll to the very bottom by going to the "Integrations" tab and click on the "Facebook Pixel" to paste in the ID you copied earlier:

A section titled Integrations with a note that it is only visible to the user. Two options are listed: Facebook Pixel and Google Analytics, both marked as Inactive in red text. Each option has an arrow icon on the right, indicating further details or actions can be accessed.

A popup window titled Facebook Pixel integration. The instructions explain to create a Facebook Pixel and enter the Pixel ID in the provided field. Links labeled Facebook Pixel and this article are highlighted in red for further guidance. The field contains the Pixel ID 573682371644078. At the bottom, there are two buttons: Cancel in white and Save in red. A close icon is in the top-right corner.

Done! You installed Pixel on your fundraiser. Next, you need to check the conversions that your ads will be targeting - the purpose of the ads will be to get just those "conversions", or in this case, donations to your fundraiser.

Check the conversion rate

Firstly, make sure that steps 1 - 6 indicated in the section "add a Facebook Pixel to your fundraiser" have been done correctly and then follow the guidelines below.

Once you add a Pixel to your fundraiser, we automatically return a so-called standard purchase event (Purchase). In practice, if you have a Facebook Pixel added to your fundraiser (according to points 1 - 6 above) and someone has donated, you will see the standard event "Purchase" for such a contribution in the Events Manager.

A screenshot of the Test events tab for the my_pixel Pixel in Facebook Events Manager. The page shows events received, including PageView, Purchase, and View content, all marked as Processed in green. The events were received from a browser through manual setup. Columns display details such as the event name, received from, setup method, event ID, and time received, with timestamps indicating the events occurred today. The interface includes navigation tabs like Overview, Diagnostics, History, and Settings, with a green Create button in the top-right corner.

Note - PageView, the display of your fundraiser's page, is also automatically returned to your Pixel and you can use it to create ads whose purpose is to display the fundraiser, not a donation

What is very important for this event is that the system automatically returns the value of each transaction (i.e. donation) to your Facebook advertising account. This means even without the tracking link (described later in this article), you can view the results of the return from your advertising campaign (of course, in this situation, you can still use the tracking link for a 'double check'). In the Ads Manager panel, you will check them in the "Conversion value - purchases" column.

By reviewing the results, you can assess whether the value of the collected contributions is high enough to justify the performance of your advertising campaigns. Remember - if you want to check the performance of your Pixel on an ongoing basis, the Facebook Pixel Helper tool can be useful - with this extension, you can quickly check that your Pixel is working correctly.

Set up your ad campaign

The final step is to set up your ad campaign (go here and click "Create"). The goal of the campaign is to get just the conversions (fundraiser contributions) you set up in the previous steps.

1. Select "Sales" as the campaign objective and click "Continue":

Popup window titled Create new campaign with options to choose a campaign objective. The objectives listed on the left include Awareness, Traffic, Engagement, Leads, App promotion, and Sales. The Sales objective is selected and highlighted in blue, showing a description that reads Find people who are likely to purchase your product or service. It mentions that this option is good for Conversions, Catalogue sales, and Messenger, Instagram, and WhatsApp. An illustration of a shopping cart with a price tag is displayed on the right. At the bottom, there are buttons for Cancel and Continue, along with a Learn more link.

Then, when you go to create a set of adverts, you just select 'Purchase' as the Convertion event, which is the standard event that we automatically return for you:

A campaign setup interface with options to select sales channels: App for driving sales and conversions in an app, Website and app for driving sales on a website or app, Messaging apps for engaging through Messenger, WhatsApp, or Instagram, and Calls for driving sales through phone calls. Below, a dropdown field labeled Performance goal is set to Maximise number of conversions. Another dropdown labeled Pixel shows my_pixel as the selected option. Lastly, a field labeled Conversion event is set to Purchase. Icons with information tooltips are visible next to each label.

Setting up your campaign in this way will ensure that Facebook's advertising systems optimise targeting to generate as many fundraiser donations as possible within the agreed advertising budget.

2. The creation of the ad set and the ads themselves that follow is intuitive. You should configure your ad according to the indications you receive during setup. As a whole, we suggest the following settings:

A campaign budget setup interface with the Advantage campaign budget option enabled, indicated by a toggle set to On. This feature distributes the budget across ad sets to optimize results based on performance goals and bid strategy. A dropdown labeled Campaign budget is set to Daily budget with a value of 100 PLN. Below, it explains that spending may vary, with up to 125 PLN on some days and no more than 700 PLN per week on currently delivering ad sets. The Campaign bid strategy is set to Highest volume. A link labeled Learn more and a dropdown labeled Show more options are visible.

Campaign level (screen above) - here it is valid to include budget optimisation at the campaign level (so that the system will select the most effective ad sets for us from those created in the campaign) and to specify the daily/total budget.

A campaign setup interface for a sales campaign. On the left, the campaign structure is displayed with a folder labeled New Sales campaign and an ad set named Example Sales ad set. On the right, the Budget & schedule section shows a start date of 17/7/2023 at 16:32 Warsaw Time, with an option to set an end date. A section titled Performance may be affected explains that changes in the ads ecosystem and privacy controls in the European Region may impact performance or reporting, with a Learn more link. Below, the Audience definition section indicates the audience selection is fairly broad, with a visual bar spanning from specific to broad. At the top, the campaign status is shown as In draft with a toggle button.

An audience targeting interface for a Facebook ad campaign. The section allows the selection of Custom Audiences with a search bar to find existing audiences and an Exclude button. The Locations field is set to Poland. The Age range is 18 to 65+, and the Gender field includes All genders. The Detailed targeting section offers options to add demographics, interests, or behaviors, with a search bar and links for Suggestions and Browse. A Create new dropdown is visible in the top-right corner.

On Ad Set level (screens above) set a start and end date for the ad set, leave the whole country as the audience - Facebook will choose an audience willing to donate to your fundraiser. Leave automatic placements. Click "next" to see the view below:

The ad setup interface for creating a new ad. The Creative source section allows selecting either Manual upload, for manually uploading images or videos, or Catalogue, for automatically using media from a catalogue. The Format section is set to Single image or video. On the right, an Ad preview toggle is enabled, displaying a Facebook Feeds preview of the ad, featuring an image and text about a fundraising campaign. Additional preview options for different placements are shown as thumbnails. At the top, options to Share and access an Advanced Preview are available.

Mark your company's website as the identity (in our case it is, yours will be different of course). Choose any format you like (at the start it can be the straightest i.e. 'single image or video'). Add images and texts - it is significant to add good quality images, optimally cropped to 1080x1080 px and catchy texts. It is also crucial to add a landing page to which the ad will redirect the Facebook Users. To set it up, scroll down to the "Destination":

A section titled Destination for setting the target destination after users click on an ad. The selected option is Website, directing users to a specified website. The Website URL field contains the URL, with a Preview URL button next to it. Below, there is a link to Build a URL parameter. A Learn more link is available for additional guidance.

Here, it is worthwhile to create a so-called tracking link for your fundraiser. By linking it as a landing page for your ad, you will make sure of the exact value of the donations raised through your ad. Insert the link and click 'publish' to finish the configuration.

In summary - with the "Purchase" conversion, added according to the guidelines in the first part of this article, it will be possible to automatically optimise the campaigns you have created for the goal you are interested in - i.e. getting donations for your fundraiser. By using a so-called "tracking link" as the landing page for your ads, you will ascertain the exact return on your adverts and confirm that the "Purchase" conversion is working correctly. The method described in this article, based on a simple conversion and a tracking link, will work regardless of the purpose of your fundraiser - this way, you can optimise campaigns for charitable fundraisers as well as ads for sales fundraisers where supporters purchase goods or services.

Read the article on integrating with Google Analytics and Google Ads marketing tools. Setting up Facebook advertising yourself seems complicated? No worries - we can do it for you!

EDIT - due to the iOS 14 updates, we are noticing issues in using conversions coming from the domain in Facebook's external Ad Managers - if you are experiencing such difficulties, please set up your campaigns to traffic, for example, and monitor conversions in Google Analytics by tagging your Facebook campaigns with so-called UTMs - more on this - this should, somewhat tongue-in-cheek, help. You can also use tracking links to monitor results from given ads.

Is there any way to verify the domain in my ad manager?

Unfortunately, allowing third parties to verify the domain in their Ads Manager is not possible, as only one company (in this case, ours) can verify the domain. However, as a general rule (as we read here and here): "Domain verification determines which company's Manager account has permission to configure the 8 available conversion events for a given domain and prioritise them". Since we, as the owner of the domain, have set "Purchase" for it as one of the 8 available conversion events for that domain, there should be no problem with other companies using this event to optimise their ads by installing the Facebook Pixel in their fundraiser view following the instructions in points 1-6 above.

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