Gratitude Notes: Thanking Donors with Letters

Published 21 May, 2024. Update: 21 May, 2024.
Gratitude Notes: Thanking Donors with Letters

Did you know that a simple "thank you" can be a powerful fundraising tool? A well-drafted thank-you note means more than just good manners. A thank-you letter can make a donor feel valued, appreciated, and more likely to contribute again. But how do you write a thank-you letter that truly resonates? How do you convey your gratitude in a sincere and impactful way? In this comprehensive guide, we are going to explore the art and science of writing effective thank-you letters.

We made this guide for those who want to express gratitude for someone's contribution, donation, or assistance. It's full of handy tips, examples, and templates.

We'll delve into the importance of personalization, the impact of a timely thank-you, and the power of storytelling. We'll talk about balancing professionalism with emotional appeal and finding the right tone for different types of donors. The guidance presented will cover every element of your thank-you letter, from the opening sentence to the warm sign-off.

So, let's get started on this journey of gratitude and appreciation.

Go to section:

  1. The importance of donation thank-you letters
  2. Understanding the recipients of your thank-you notes
  3. Donation thank-you letter step-by-step
  4. Key elements of an effective letter of thanks
  5. Templates for thank-you letters for a donation
  6. The role of thank-you letters in donor retention and relationship building
  7. Frequently Asked Questions

The importance of donation thank-you letters 

Thank-you letters are more than just a polite gesture. They are crucial for building and maintaining relationships with donors who support your cause.

When the donors receive a genuine thank-you letter, they feel noted and valued. This feeling can strengthen their connection to your cause, making them more likely to continue their support in the future. Research shows that people who get personalised thank-you letters are more likely to donate again. And often in larger amounts!

However, the importance of thank-you letters extends beyond donor retention. These letters can also serve as a powerful marketing tool.

Top view of the magenta-coloured countertop. In the centre is a sheet of paper decorated with a rose motif. Around it are writing instruments such as a pencil, pen and envelope. The tabletop also shows ferns and succulents in pots

When you express the impact of a donor's contribution, you're not just saying thank you. You're telling a story about the difference they are making in the world. A good story can inspire them to share your cause with others, expanding your network of potential donors. 

In short, thank-you letters are an essential tool in your fundraising toolkit. They help to foster a culture of gratitude within your organisation while driving donor engagement and support. So, crafting an effective thank-you letter is a skill worth mastering.

Understanding the recipients of your thank-you notes

Before starting writing a thank-you letter, think about the recipient's personality. It could be an individual donor, a corporate sponsor, a volunteer, or a group that has supported your cause. Each of them has different motivations for their support, and your thank-you letter should reflect this.

An individual donor might like hearing stories of how their donation helps people. A corporate sponsor might prefer seeing statistics that show how many people their support reaches. A volunteer might want to hear about the difference they've made through their time and effort. A group might appreciate the recognition of their collective contribution.

When creating a thank-you note, consider the goal of your fundraiser. Consider whether the action was local or widespread? Private or charity? Was it linked to a meaningful event in your life, school or sports team? A variety of fundraising campaigns require a variety of thanks. In the following article, we will discuss each of these.

Understanding your audience will help you tailor your message, making your thank-you letter more meaningful and impactful. 

Remember, the goal of your thank-you letter is not just to express gratitude. You want to make the recipient feel valued and appreciated. By understanding your audience, you can craft a thank-you letter that achieves this goal.

Donation thank-you letter step-by-step

A well-crafted thank-you letter is more than just a polite gesture. It's a powerful tool that can strengthen relationships, inspire further support, and make the recipient feel truly appreciated.

There are several ways to achieve this. Each varies depending on the amount of obtained contributions, the type of fundraiser and your capacity. Take a moment and gather those data to the full potential of thank-you messages and achieve success.

In the centre of the graphic is an envelope sealed with a heart-shaped sticker. The envelope is held by two male hands from top and bottom and from the bottom by one female hand. Their arrangement suggests that the man is handing the letter to the woman. provides tools for sending thanks in many different forms. Some of them are very unique and require some effort on the part of the Organiser. Others are simpler and allow you to send thanks to a multitude of Donors in just a few seconds. Let's explore each of these in greater depth.

Thank-you message

This feature of allows you to say thank you for your donation immediately. Our website automatically sends this message after every donation with the same content for everyone.  

Despite its limitations, a thank-you message personally written by you is a pleasant addition to the fundraiser. It will make every donor feel noticed and appreciated. When creating your message content, try to speak directly to the addressee and sign your name at the end. This way, the donor will receive it more personally, as a genuine letter of appreciation. 

If you would like to know how to send a thank-you message to people who have donated, you can find the answer on our FAQ page.


They are a convenient way to thank someone for giving a certain amount by sending them a handwritten letter or a small gift. 

All offers are visible on your fundraiser page. You will get a notification when a user pays for an offer. If you want to acquire buyers' shipping addresses during purchase, tick the relevant option when listing the offer.

If your thank-you note is in virtual form - an ebook, graphic or recording - you can publish it as an attachment to your offer. This option will let the buyer download it immediately after paying for the offer. 

The graphic shows the staircase and front door of the house, all cluttered with colourful gifts and flowers. A postman walks past the house with an envelope in his hand, who seems to be reading an address from it. At the back, balloons are floating from the postman's bag.

Follow our step-by-step guide to adding rewards and start thanking your donors with special items! 

Contact list 

Thank you notes can start a valuable, personal bond with donors. offers a tool to help you build such a relationship. 

As the Organiser of the fundraiser on, you can download a list of all your donors' email addresses. Use these addresses to contact your supporters and send them thank you messages. Express your gratitude with a well-written letter!

Good communication is key to building strong donor relationships. By using the contact list, you can open a new chapter in your partnership with your donors. Start by saying thank you! 


Did you manage to repass a milestone fundraising stage? Purchase something significant? Fulfil a dream? 

Leverage the strength of narratives and disseminate information in an update! 

With updates, you can thank a larger group of donors and show their impact in one message. Write a short note, add a photo and express gratitude for what has become possible. In this way, you will increase your credibility and motivate supporters to make further contributions and shares.

Are you interested in this form of thank you letter for a donation? Take a look here and find out more. 

Key elements of an effective letter of thanks 

Writing a thank-you letter may seem daunting. But believe us - with this guide, it will be a joyful experience with satisfactory results. 

Let's break down the process into four key steps: addressing the recipient, opening with gratitude, detailing the contribution and its effect, and concluding with a warm sign-off. Each plays a crucial role in creating a thank-you letter that resonates with the recipient. 

Let's explore each of these steps in more detail.

Address the recipient 

The first step in writing your thank-you letter is addressing the recipient properly. 

Pay attention to using their correct title and surname unless you have a close relationship and are on a first-name basis. It's a small detail, but it shows respect and sets the tone for the rest of the letter. 

To view your donor contact list and check the surname, go to the 'My fundraisers' section (you must be logged in), click 'More' on your fundraiser and select 'Finances' to see the following information. 

Start a thank you letter personally

The opening of your letter should express your gratitude clearly and sincerely. 

Avoid generic phrases and aim for a more personal and specific expression of thanks. Refer to your fundraising goal and show the donors their impact on your campaign. 

For example, instead of saying "Thank you for your donation," you can say "Thank you for becoming a part of our family. Together, we can make the impossible happen! Your donation is already helping us to overcome difficulties."

Say thank you for help and support

The body of your letter should detail the importance and effect of the recipient's contribution

Here is the place to share a story, provide updates, or give a more detailed account of how their support has made a difference. 

Remember to focus on the donor and the impact of their generosity, rather than on your organisation.  

Conclude with a warm sign-off

Finally, conclude your letter with a warm sign-off.

This could be a simple "Thank you again" or something more personal like "With heartfelt thanks" or "With deepest gratitude."

Remember to sign your name, and consider including your contact information for further engagement.

In the sunny interior of the room, we see a woman writing a letter at a wooden table. The woman is smiling widely and holding a pen in her hand

Templates for thank-you letters for a donation

Having a template or example to guide you can be surprisingly helpful when writing a thank-you letter. 

It can give you a plan to follow, with more or less personalisation. If you want the best result, take it as inspiration only. When time is of the essence, you can make only minimal changes and achieve a good result.

Let's look at some examples for different scenarios.

Donation thank you letters

When thanking someone for a donation, it's essential to acknowledge the specific contribution and its impact

For example:

"Dear [Donor's Name],

Thank you for your generous donation of [amount]. Your support is helping us [describe a specific outcome or achievement made possible by their donation]. We are deeply grateful for your generosity. 

Yours sincerely, 

[Your name]" 

Remember to keep the tone warm and authentic and to express your gratitude sincerely. 

Emotional thank you letters

Emotional thank-you letters can be a powerful way to express your gratitude. 

For example:

"Dear [Recipient's Name], 

I cannot express how grateful I am for your kindness and generosity. Your support has made a profound difference in my life, and I will always remember your kindness.


[Your name]"

Remember to be genuine and to speak from the heart.

Thank you for contribution

When thanking someone for their contribution, it's significant to acknowledge the effort and thought that went into it. 

For example: 

"Dear [Recipient's Name], 

Thank you for your valuable contribution of [amount] to our project. Your dedication has truly made a difference, and we are deeply grateful for your support. 

With gratitude,

[Your name]"

Remember to be specific about the contribution and its impact and to express your gratitude sincerely. 

Saying thanks for the help

A letter of greeting and thanks can be a wonderful way to express your gratitude and maintain a positive relationship.

For example: 

"Dear [Recipient's Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere thanks for your continued support and friendship. Your kindness and generosity mean the world to me. 


[Your name]"

Remember to keep the tone warm and friendly and to express your appreciation sincerely. Sometime after sending letters, check your email inbox to see if any donors have written back. It can be the start of a kind relationship from which you will get much more than money.

Sentences for charity donations

When thanking someone for a charity donation, it's crucial to acknowledge the specific contribution and its impact. 

For example:

"Dear [Donor's Name],

Thank you for your generous donation to our charity. Your support is helping us make a real difference in the lives of those we serve. We are deeply grateful for your kindness. 

Best regards, 

[Your name, your position in the organisation, the name of the organisation]" 

Remember to focus on the donor and the impact of their contribution rather than on your organisation. 

The role of thank-you letters in donor retention and relationship building 

Thank-you letters play a crucial role in donor retention. They are not just a polite gesture but a tool for building lasting relationships.

A well-crafted thank-you letter can make a donor feel appreciated and connected to your cause. It shows that their contribution is making a difference. 

Moreover, thank-you letters provide an opportunity to update donors about your work. In this way, you can keep them engaged in your mission.

Remember, retaining donors is more cost-effective than acquiring new ones. A thoughtful thank-you letter can encourage recurring donations and additional non-financial support. 

In a café-like interior, we see a portrait shot of 3 people. In the foreground we can see the lid of a donation box. The woman on the left of the frame drops a note into the box while smiling at the other two men

In essence, thank-you letters are an essential part of a successful donor stewardship strategy. They help to foster a sense of community and shared purpose. See how to plan a thank you mailing and thus build relationships with donors

Frequently Asked Questions

You are asking us a lot of questions about thank you letters. These answers should provide additional clarity and guidance. 

How soon should I send thanks for donations?

Ideally, you should send a thank-you letter within 48 hours of receiving a donation. This prompt response shows that you value the donor's contribution. It also reinforces the positive feelings associated with their act of giving. 

When you can't send a personalised thank-you note immediately, the default message is enough for a good start. If the donation is large, or you notably care about a particular donor, aim to send the letter within a week. Remember, a late thank-you letter is better than none at all

Is a template letter of thanks for a donation all right? 

Yes, using a template can save time and ensure consistency. However, it's crucial to personalise each letter. Mention the specific donation, its impact, and any relevant details about the donor. 

A template should serve as a starting point. It's your job to infuse it with personal touches that make each donor feel special. 

How can I make my thank-you letter stand out? 

To make a thank-you letter stand out, make it personal and heartfelt. Use the donor's name and reference their specific contribution. Tell a story about how their donation made a difference. 

Furthermore, take note of the medium. A handwritten note or an email with a photo can be more memorable than a standard typed letter. 

Is it appropriate to ask for another donation in a thank-you letter?

Generally, a thank-you letter should focus on expressing gratitude, not soliciting more donations. However, it's acceptable to mention upcoming fundraising events or future projects. 

The key is to do this subtly without overshadowing the purpose of the letter of thanks. Remember, the goal is to make the donor feel appreciated, not pressured.

Writing thank-you letters is an art that requires practice and sincerity. It's about more than just expressing gratitude. It's about making your donors feel valued and appreciated. 

Keep in mind that each contributor wants to feel distinct. Personalise your thank-you letters to reflect their contribution. Show them the impact of their donation and how it aligns with their values and interests. 

People who donate to your fundraiser want to feel important to you. By thanking them, you will fulfil this need and encourage them to support your future projects. Whether you opt for an automated message, mailing or offer, your thank you will have a real impact. Expressing gratitude can make a difference to a fundraiser's fortunes. Try it! After all, it doesn't cost anything. 

Get the latest tips and advice by following our blog and social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, X). Check out our FAQs and other articles (such as The best ways to promote your fundraiser or 10 Effective Strategies for Nonprofit Fundraising)  to learn more about running a successful fundraising campaign on! 

Find out how compares to other crowdfunding platforms and choose the best option for you!

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