
4fund.com is a part of Zrzutka.pl, one of the most renowned Polish crowdfunding website providers. Based on the permit issued by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (KNF) on October 14, 2019, we are acting as a licensed payment services provider entered into the register of payment services providers under number IP48/2019. You may check our status here. We have reported the intention to provide our payment services in all of the European Economic Area countries on a cross-border basis to our supervision authority and it was forwarded to all the financial supervision authorities in the EEA. No authority objected to us providing such services in their country nor restricted any terms for us to be able to do so. We can therefore legally provide payment services in the whole of the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. 

 This status obliges us to ensure the highest safety standards for your payments and data.

1. Transaction security:

  • Payment and withdrawal security is guaranteed by PayU - one of the leading european payment services platforms
  • Every connection on 4fund.com is encrypted with a 256-bit GeoTrust certificate.
2. Fundraisers security:

  • We pursue thorough verification of Fundraisers’ Organizers, and in certain cases, the Fundraisers themselves - read more.
  • We hash passwords - no one, not even our employees, can access your passwords, as all users' passwords are hashed.
  • We monitor any abnormal or unusual events in our system 24/7.
3. Security of documents sent during verification process:

  • We never process any documents without the necessary legal consent provided by the individuals to whom the documents pertain - read more
  • The documents are uploaded directly through the Organizer's panel on 4fund.com that uses an encrypted connection
  • All the documents are stored in separate folders accessible only to our authorized employees directly involved in the verification process, and in further course - transferred to encrypted external storage devices disconnected from the Internet, which ensures the highest level of security for storing the confidential data provided to us.

Why do we require a scan of an identity document?

As a licensed payment services provider, subject to the applicable AML/TF laws, we have a duty to establish and confirm the identity of our customer, including the series and number of their identity document, and for this purpose we need to access the document itself and make a copy of it. All ID copies are stored by the legally designated period on encrypted external storage devices disconnected from the Internet, and are never disclosed to any unauthorized third parties.