id: 3vnuf8

I wanna pay all my debts and help my girlfriend to pay her

I wanna pay all my debts and help my girlfriend to pay her

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*Znesek, izražen v evrih na podlagi tehtanega povprečja donacij v vseh valutah. Za več podrobnosti obiščite tudi spletno stran


Hi, my name is Nenad, 37 years old, come from Croatia but for now I'm living and working in Berlin, Germany.

But, unfortunately, I have a lot of debts, for some of them it's my fault but for some it's not. I am not gambler or drunker or anything like that, I just hadn't luck in my life. Same as my girlfriend. She live in Switzerland where I have plan to moving out. She is alone with 2 kids (not mine but I love them as they are) and she fight every day. She work 2 jobs but still isn't enough to survive all month. Same as me. I'm working at airport in Berlin but still I don't have enough money to pay my debts.

So, I'm asking you, good people, to help me with that so then me and my girlfriend and kids can start a new life together without worrying would we have next day something for eat.

Thank you all in advance and God bless you all.



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Opisa še ni.


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