id: va4c3x

For the visit and surgery

For the visit and surgery

За какво ще набирате средства днес?
*Сумата е изразена в евро въз основа на среднопретегления курс на даренията, направени във всички валути. За повече информация посетете


My name is Darek and I have been a physically disabled person for 11 years

My health problems began after a very serious road accident in which I was not the driver

In the hospital, they operated on my broken thigh, but they did it wrong and the bone overlapped, and my left leg was shortened by 6 cm. I also had a broken socket in my right leg.

Over a period of 4 years, I had several surgeries, including lower limb lengthening and right hip surgery. My leg didn't get as long as it was supposed to and my leg is still 3.5cm shorter.

From that moment on, I started having spine problems:/ later I also had spine surgery. Now he needs another spine surgery to function normally.

The surgery may be recommended by a neurosurgeon, but my appointment is only December 6, 2024 (these are the waiting periods) and I have to wait another 2 years for the surgery.

A private visit costs about 70-100 euros and can be booked within 3 days, but a private doctor can only refer you to a paid surgery, which costs about 2,700-3,000 euros and can be performed within 7 days.

I need this surgery very much because I am in bed and practically unable to function.

I can't afford the surgery because I live alone and I only have an allowance of 180 euros a month.

That's why I'm turning to society for help, because I can't cope on my own, even though I'm an adult.

Thank you in advance for your kindness

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Все още няма дарения, дарете първи!



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Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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