id: ujrmsf

My horse

My horse

За какво ще набирате средства днес?
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"Hey there, horse-loving heroes,

I'm the four-legged friend you haven't met yet, and I'm calling on you to be part of something special. Our human companions have organized a fundraiser to ensure my well-being, and they're inviting you to join in this meaningful effort.

Your generous contributions will directly impact my life, providing essential veterinary care, a nourishing diet, and a comfortable living environment. Together, we can create a brighter, healthier future for me. Your support means the world to us.

With gratitude,


Все още няма описание.

Все още няма описание.



все още няма дарения, дарете първи!

Все още няма дарения, дарете първи!



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