id: 89ggua

Work on Footura projects related to the development of sports and sports culture

Work on Footura projects related to the development of sports and sports culture


Our activity consists in maintaining an independent premises in the city of Sofia, in which we develop our sports and social activities, our informal trainings and seminars, social enterprise development activities, as well as our daily administrative work.

Funds are needed for the operation of this premises, mainly for rent, overheads, equipment. Footura does not pay salaries or other remuneration, we are all volunteers.

By supporting us, you support the development of civil society in Bulgaria, through the development of the social sphere, sports as a healthy lifestyle, non-formal education, youth entrepreneurship, as well as support for disadvantaged people.

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Все още няма описание.

Предимства на периодичните дарения:
Организаторът получава 100% от вашите средства - ние не начисляваме такса.
Оставате под пълен контрол - можете да спрете поддръжката по всяко време без никакви задължения
Организаторът може да се съсредоточи изцяло върху работата си.
Получавате постоянен достъп до публикациите и специално отличие
Не е нужно да помните за следващите плащания
По-лесно е, отколкото си мислите :)


Полезни връзки 1


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Все още няма дарения, дарете първи!



2500 символи
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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