id: 3hdxe7

Catering service - My dream is coming true soon with your help!

Catering service - My dream is coming true soon with your help!

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Dear Donor,

I would like to tell you what I dream about and what I would like to do all my life.

My dream is to open a company that provides catering services because I simply enjoy it.

For me, one plate is just a blank canvas on which I want to spill my imagination so that people can enjoy the food, both by sight and taste.

Unfortunately, I still lack money to make my dream come true, so I'm asking you, dear donors, to help me with that.

I currently work in a restaurant as a guest relations manager.

Every job is great, but I would like to do what I love, that is the dream of each of us, but you, dear donor, can make my dream come true.

I thank you for your time for reading my text and making my dream one step closer to reality.

Thank you!

Все още няма описание.

Все още няма описание.


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все още няма дарения, дарете първи!

Все още няма дарения, дарете първи!



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