id: 395peb

Support for Kherson - help animals and children

Support for Kherson - help animals and children


Our aid campaign in Ukraine began on February 25, 2022!

From the first days of the conflict, we have been helping children and animals by providing humanitarian aid.

Support us periodically.

One euro a month has a lot of power!

We save people and animals.

We help children.

This is an injured turtle rescued during one of the missions


Kherson is a particularly affected place.

First a long occupation, then a flood.

Currently, we go there to eliminate its effects and provide help directly where it is necessary.

For today, the waters have subsided, there is mud, an unearthly smell and exposed destruction, the carcasses of animals that drowned...

Help us reach the Kherson region with help.

We have tons of stalls and things for children in warehouses, our main cost for today is fuel to be able to get there with help.

See the prizes we have prepared for you and help us help!

Все още няма описание.

Все още няма описание.

Предимства на периодичните дарения:
Организаторът получава 100% от вашите средства - ние не начисляваме такса.
Оставате под пълен контрол - можете да спрете поддръжката по всяко време без никакви задължения
Организаторът може да се съсредоточи изцяло върху работата си.
Получавате постоянен достъп до публикациите и специално отличие
Не е нужно да помните за следващите плащания
По-лесно е, отколкото си мислите :)


Оферти/търгове 5

Купи, Подкрепи.

Купи, Подкрепи. Прочетете повече

Създаден от организатора:
Donation & Thanks
One euro one chance for a meal
one euro one chance for a meal for a homeless dog or child in a war zone!We will send you one photo from our trip showing the beneficiaries of your he...
1 €
Donation & Thanks
Postcard from Kherson
We send postcard by email from our humanitarian mission. One frame from many moments spent at the front line with a description especially for you
5 €
Donation & Thanks
Photo report from the Kherson
See the realities around Kherson.We will send you a short photo report that will show you what the reality looks like there.It's something you won't s...
10 €
Donation & Thanks
Short documentary film from Kherson
See the realities around Kherson.We will send you a short documentary film that will show you what the reality looks like there.It's something you won...
20 €
Unique meetings
Weekend in warmia
An unforgettable weekend in Warmia.You will spend interesting moments exploring the wild backwoods of Warmia with an overnight stay in the forest by t...

Крайната цена

1 €


все още няма дарения, дарете първи!

Все още няма дарения, дарете първи!



2500 символи
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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