id: 37ah9x

A place to stay away from my parents in order to get ready for the interviews

A place to stay away from my parents in order to get ready for the interviews

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Hi, long story short, I live with my parents and they are awful. Alcoholics, scandalists and abusers. I can’t wait to move out but I can’t afford it. I do have couple interviews scheduled though. I think I have good chances to get a job since I know the subject pretty well. But I need some time to put all stuff in my head together. No stress, no intervention into my room, no screaming and fighting. I need to calm down, prepare for the interviews and nail them. I’m in a bad physical and mental shape right now. I need some space, sleep and rest. Therefore I’m asking for funds to rent a hotel for like 3-4 weeks. So I can sleep in, eat well, maintain my appearance and get my mindset calmed for important meetings.

This is my first and I hope the last time here.

Whoever can, please, help me out.

Just want to move on from my nightmare and start a normal life. Thank you all.

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