id: yvcwmh

I would like to bring my Parents (Argentina) to visit me (in Cyprus) whom I have not seen for 11 years

I would like to bring my Parents (Argentina) to visit me (in Cyprus) whom I have not seen for 11 years

Za kaj boste danes zbirali sredstva?
*Znesek, izražen v evrih na podlagi tehtanega povprečja donacij v vseh valutah. Za več podrobnosti obiščite tudi spletno stran


I moved to Cyprus in 2014 for love. We live in Nicosia permanently. I am a musician and a music composer/producer and with the support of my wife I dedicate my time to my passion. I am trying to be known around the world, and to be self efficient with the income from my music. Unfortunately, a musicians life is hard. My wife pays the bills and obligations we have with her salary and what money I make with my music is what we use to for our daily expense. This is also a reason why I haven't managed to see my parents yet. It is impossible to be able to save money. My parents are divorced, each have remarried, which is why my budget is high. They need to come separately. From some research which I have done, the cost of a round trip ticket is 1300 euros each (cheapest ticket found), plus I will need for their accommodations, daily expenses, travelling and anything unexpected which might occur. My dream is to be able to bring my parents to visit where I live, now while they are healthy enough and can still travel, and also to have them travel for the first time in their 70+ years of life.

Opisa še ni.

Opisa še ni.


še ni donacij, donirajte prvi!

Še ni donacij, donirajte prvi!



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