Ogledate si strojno prevedeno različico našega spletnega mesta. Upoštevajte, da to počnemo izključno za vaše udobje in da je izvirni jezik naše spletne strani in vseh naših sporočil samo angleščina. Čeprav smo... preberi več se po najboljših močeh trudimo zagotoviti visoko kakovost prevoda, vendar ne zagotavljamo, da bo ta nedvoumen ali brez napak. Če se vam zdi katera koli vsebina na tem spletnem mestu nerazumljiva, spremenite jezik spletnega mesta v angleščino. Če boste še naprej uporabljali to prevedeno različico, bodo tudi vsa sporočila, ki jih boste prejeli od nas, na enaki osnovi strojno prevedena v vaš jezik.
Dear Friends and Family,
My name is Letso Makhurane a final year student at Vincent Pol University in Lublin,Poland. I am reaching out today with a heartfelt request for your assistance. As many of you know, pursuing higher education has always been a dream of mine. However, despite my best efforts, I am facing financial challenges that threaten my ability to continue my studies and be deported back to Zimbabwe if I do not clear my tuition fees in due course.
I am studying midwifery, and the cost of tuition and associated expenses has become overwhelming. I have explored various options, including scholarships, grants, and part-time work, but I still find myself falling short of the amount needed to cover my tuition. I am facing deportation if I cannot raise this money in time by the end of this week.
This is why I am reaching out to you, my community, for support. I have set up a fundraising campaign to help cover my tuition fees, and any contribution, no matter how small, would make a significant difference in helping me achieve my educational goals. I cannot go back home to Zimbabwe empty handed as they is rampant inflation and unemployment.
Thank you for taking the time to read my story and for any support you can offer. Your generosity and kindness will help me take one step closer to achieving my dreams