id: x2vktg

We are a family of five. Our dream is a house outside the city that we could call our own home. We believe that pure nature is the right place to raise children. Unfortunately, our own strength cannot overcome this dream.

We are a family of five. Our dream is a house outside the city that we could call our own home. We believe that pure nature is the right place to raise children. Unfortunately, our own strength cannot overcome this dream.

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*Znesek, izražen v evrih na podlagi tehtanega povprečja donacij v vseh valutah. Za več podrobnosti obiščite tudi spletno stran


Hey! We are a family of five, with two children living with us. We currently live in a one-room rental apartment, which is 21 square meters. Our biggest dream is a small house outside the city that we could call our own home. The children could run around outside, the mother could grow plants and food, and the father could tinker at the house. Some birds and animals would also get a good and caring home. We believe that the fresh air and nature is the right place to live and raise children. Unfortunately, our own strength cannot overcome this dream, and with our own strength it will only remain a dream. So we need some help. We are grateful for every small and big donation that brings us closer to our dream.

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Opisa še ni.


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