Denarnica, ustvarjena za zbiranje sredstev For getting a car license and a old used car for a job.
My moneybox
My moneybox
Ta blagajna dopolnjuje ravnovesje zbiratelja sredstev:
For getting a car license and a old used car for a job.
Ustvarite svoj nabiralnik in zbirajte sredstva za
For getting a car license and a old used car for a job.
Ustvarjanje denarniceOpis moneybox
Please make a donation to my moneybox. Any amount will be appreciated. Im doing this cuz I have no hope left, my family is poor, actually I only have a mother and she's ill, and I have no money, but I really need a car and car license, I don't live close to a bus or train station, so a car is very important. Just please, if anyone see this message, I'm close to end myself, I'm losing it.
Opisa še ni.