id: u3jc77

Operation mother

Operation mother

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Operation mother ❤️

Urgent support needed in Sénégal, Ziguinchour! In one month and 5 days from now Cecil, our mother, will loose her home. She has been renting it for many years but now she has nowhere to go. The owner wants her out by the end of next month. Help us to give her a home of her own. For the last few years she started to make blocks of sand and cement. You can see them on the photo taken in-front of her house. It’s a god start but the time is running out and she needs 1500 more of those blocks and also material for the roof and money to pay a builder. Let’s help her to make it possible!

Opisa še ni.

Opisa še ni.

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Prenesite mobilno aplikacijo in zbirajte sredstva za svoj cilj, kjer koli ste!

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2500 znaki
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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