id: sdhrhy

Cat's food and vaccines for homeless kittens

Cat's food and vaccines for homeless kittens

Za kaj boste danes zbirali sredstva?
*Znesek, izražen v evrih na podlagi tehtanega povprečja donacij v vseh valutah. Za več podrobnosti obiščite tudi spletno stran


Before the winter started, I found 7 little kittens. Their mom died at the car accident and they were hungry, cold and all alone.

I decided to take care of them, feed them, give them a warm shelter and a temporary home.

They are ready for adoption but first they need to be vaccinated and examined by the veterinarian.

Please, help me to prepare them for their forever homes.

Opisa še ni.

Opisa še ni.


še ni donacij, donirajte prvi!

Še ni donacij, donirajte prvi!



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