id: pytghd

Recover after online scam

Recover after online scam

Za kaj boste danes zbirali sredstva?
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*Znesek, izražen v evrih na podlagi tehtanega povprečja donacij v vseh valutah. Za več podrobnosti obiščite tudi spletno stran


I was trying to make some online income with a side hussle and potentially escape 9/5 work because it's just dragging me away from what I really want to be

And I come across a platforms (yes not first time but I always put trust in ppl and just don't want to lose this part of me) it was to earn some income by doing simple task and did worked at first

But then everything go to waste and I lost almost all my savings

And now I'm stuck in a forrener country until I recover my losses

Opisa še ni.

Opisa še ni.


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Prenesite mobilno aplikacijo in zbirajte sredstva za svoj cilj, kjer koli ste!
Prenesite mobilno aplikacijo in zbirajte sredstva za svoj cilj, kjer koli ste!


2500 znaki
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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