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Elevate Artistry: Fueling the Creation of RITA VILHENA Studios

Elevate Artistry: Fueling the Creation of RITA VILHENA Studios

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Embarking on the exciting journey to establish RITA VILHENA Studios, I, Rita Isabel, a renowned photographer, digital artist, and painter, am driven by an unyielding passion for transcendent artistry.

RITA VILHENA Studios is not just a physical and virtual space; it's a visionary platform to share my creations worldwide. Imagine a haven in Pinhal Novo, Portugal, and an online print shop named Wonderland Frame, connecting individuals globally with the beauty of my photography, digital art, and painting.

This endeavor is more than personal; it's a collective effort to uplift creativity. With your support, I aim to establish a global presence for my art. Your contribution is an invitation to be part of this journey, shaping a future where RITA VILHENA Studios inspires and connects hearts and minds.

Support the construction of RITA VILHENA Studios, where every donation propels me closer to fulfilling my dream. Vital items such as cameras, lenses, and studio equipment are crucial, as is investing in digital marketing and creating an online shop. Help me turn this dream into a vibrant reality, where creativity knows no bounds. Join me in creating a haven where people worldwide can immerse themselves in the beauty of my art.

Also discover a world of art with my exclusive donation rewards:

Art Enthusiast (€25):

Embrace artistic vibes with an exclusive wallpaper, adding flair to your digital haven.


Bronze Patron (€50):

Elevate your space with a small-sized print of your favorite artwork, showcasing your support.


Silver Sponsor (€100):

Curate your collection with two medium-sized prints of your choice, each a masterpiece in its own right.


Gold Benefactor (€250):

Transform your surroundings with three large-sized prints, making a statement with each brushstroke.


Platinum Maestro (€500):

Immerse yourself in the art world with a Limited Signed Art Book, an exclusive VIP invitation to our Grand Opening, and four extra-large-sized prints to grace your walls.


Diamond Visionary (€1000):

Delve into the creative process with unique insights, adorn your space with two Museum Quality Prints, and experience a personalized tour of our studio—a truly visionary contribution.


Your support is not just a financial investment; it is a heartfelt endorsement of my passion and vision. Your belief in the power of art to transcend boundaries and connect people globally inspires me immensely. With your help, my dream is becoming a reality, and I am profoundly grateful for your part in this journey.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being an integral part of this endeavor. Your generosity brings us one step closer to a vibrant future where RITA VILHENA Studios becomes a beacon of artistic expression.

Rita Isabel

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Ponudbe/razpisi 6

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Ustvaril organizator:
Art Enthusiast
A heartfelt thank-you message.Exclusive digital wallpaper of Leda and Swan.

25 €

Art & Craft • Other
Bronze Patron
Personalized thank-you card with a handwritten note.A small-sized print of your choice from the Wonderland Frame collection.

50 €

Art & Craft • Other
Silver Sponsor
Acknowledgment on the RITA VILHENA Studios website as a Silver Sponsor.Two medium-sized prints of your choice from the Wonderland Frame collection.

100 €

Art & Craft • Other
Gold Benefactor
Exclusive early access to new Wonderland Frame releases for one year.Three large-sized prints of your choice from the Wonderland Frame collection.

250 €

Art & Craft • Other
Platinum Maestro
Limited edition signed art book featuring a curated selection of your works.VIP invitation to the grand opening of RITA VILHENA Studios in Pinhal Novo...

500 €

Art & Craft • Other
Diamond Visionary
Personalized virtual art tour with Rita Isabel, providing insights into your creative process.Two museum-quality prints of your choice from the Wonder...

1000 €


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