purchase of an indebted apartment
purchase of an indebted apartment
Za kaj boste danes zbirali sredstva?
Good morning ! I am collecting money on behalf of the family to buy an indebted apartment... a family problem because the father abuses alcohol and left the family with financial problems, we have to buy the apartment from usury, thank you for any amount, if anyone would like to verify my truthfulness, I am at your disposal.
Opisa še ni.
Ustvarite povezavo za sledenje in preverite, kakšen vpliv ima vaš delež na to zbiranje sredstev. Izvedite več.
Ustvarite povezavo za sledenje in preverite, kakšen vpliv ima vaš delež na to zbiranje sredstev. Izvedite več.
Nakup, podpora, prodaja, dodajanje.
Nakup, podpora, prodaja, dodajanje. Preberite več
Ta zbiratelj sredstev nima nobene ponudbe!