Life changing barber course
Life changing barber course
Za kaj boste danes zbirali sredstva?
After years of hard work, I've decided to change careers. I spent 10 years in the hospitality industry, and it was a wonderful decade. However, the current world situation requires me to explore different paths. I recently realized that I'm very drawn to the hairstyling profession and I've found a suitable course to pursue that. However, I need to secure the financial means for it.
I appreciate everything in advance!
Opisa še ni.
Ustvarite povezavo za sledenje in preverite, kakšen vpliv ima vaš delež na to zbiranje sredstev. Izvedite več.
Ustvarite povezavo za sledenje in preverite, kakšen vpliv ima vaš delež na to zbiranje sredstev. Izvedite več.
Ponudbe/razpisi 2
Nakup, podpora, prodaja, dodajanje.
Nakup, podpora, prodaja, dodajanje. Preberite več
Ustvaril organizator:
25 €
50 €