id: m8a7f6



Za kaj boste danes zbirali sredstva?
Create fundraiser
*Znesek, izražen v evrih na podlagi tehtanega povprečja donacij v vseh valutah. Za več podrobnosti obiščite tudi spletno stran


There are many people in the world who are having a hard time... for many reasons! I have a desire to start a foundation to help people in a simple way... I have an idea that I have had for a while and now is the time. I have domains give2people and smile2people that I want to use. In order to develop this and put it into practice, I need money. An app, a website, a webshop must be created, a payment solution must be in place, product alternatives must be looked at, cooperation agreements and much more. This should and must be simple and we must find the best solutions. I am a 60-year-old man from Norway who has a desire to help people who are having a hard time.

Opisa še ni.

Opisa še ni.


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Prenesite mobilno aplikacijo in zbirajte sredstva za svoj cilj, kjer koli ste!
Prenesite mobilno aplikacijo in zbirajte sredstva za svoj cilj, kjer koli ste!

Denarne skrinjice

Za to zbiranje sredstev še nihče ni ustvaril denarnice. Vaš nabiralnik bo morda prvi!


2500 znaki
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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