id: jsj4uy

Gewaltsamer Einbruch-bitte um Unterstützung

Gewaltsamer Einbruch-bitte um Unterstützung

Za kaj boste danes zbirali sredstva?
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*Znesek, izražen v evrih na podlagi tehtanega povprečja donacij v vseh valutah. Za več podrobnosti obiščite tudi spletno stran


Hello, my name is Elmar Ibranovic, I live with my mother and my 16-year-old brother in a small house.

We recently had a violent break-in and things worth €4000 were stolen and damaged.

As I can't work due to a sickness right now and my mother being a saleswoman in a clothing store we don't earn enough to afford theft protection and so we can't afford all the stolen jewelry, my console plus accessories and a new patio door + glass, which alone costs €3000.

I'm asking for every cent you have left so that we can at least temporarily put some plexiglass in the broken door.

With kind regards,

Elmar Ibranovic

Opisa še ni.

Opisa še ni.


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Prenesite mobilno aplikacijo in zbirajte sredstva za svoj cilj, kjer koli ste!

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2500 znaki
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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