id: jrd4tx

Help me pay for my university loan

Help me pay for my university loan

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Izvirno besedilo Angleščina je prevedeno v Slovenski

Prikaži izvirno besedilo angleščina

Izvirno besedilo Angleščina je prevedeno v Slovenski

Prikaži izvirno besedilo angleščina


Hi, my name is Samuele, I'm from Italy in a little city called Caltagirone and I'm a nursing student in Messina. This is my last year in this university, its been 3 year now that i've always payed for everything alone (rent, food, books, buses to come back home) but now things has changed, i can't afford to cover all of these expenses infact i left the house i've rented and i travel everytime i've to attend any exam. However I've to pay taxes to continue and the last and only one I've to pay it's 2400 eur that im not capable to pay, and I've only time until 28th of February of 2025 to pay this, or i can't attend any exams and they will ask for interest.

I'm very ashame of asking for this, but please, whoever can help me, I'll be very grateful.

(I'm waiting for the university to send me a document that ill upload here to show how much money i payed and how much i have to pay).

thanks to everyone

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2500 znaki
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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