id: jrbrz8

for English issue of Rigas Laiks magazine

for English issue of Rigas Laiks magazine

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Rigas Laiks was established in 1993 and its headquarters is in Riga, Latvia. Rigas Laiks is an intellectual magazine it is highly regarded for the depth of insight in its topics, the elaborate literary style, and for its hard-hitting, in-depth interviews with original or well-known international personalities: scientists, politicians, philosophers, historians, writers, musicians, actors, including Nobel Prize winners.

Rigas Laiks is published in Latvian language and was published until 2024, when all funding was cut.

Editors were aiming to broaden the audience and share interviews and texts of remarkable intellectuals of the world and managed to publish two issues in English language (in 2016 and 2017), but due to small number of readers in English here in Latvia, publication of more issues was not manageable financially.

Now we would like to try one more time and gather some money for another issue of Rigas Laiks in English.

Opisa še ni.

Opisa še ni.


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