id: gh7eda

Team maintenance

Team maintenance


Our team has been working for many years. We've been through a lot of good and a lot of bad. Many champions have emerged from our team. From Hungary's first female amateur MMA world champion, to an undefeated Bellator MMA fighter, to a wrestling world champion, we have people to be proud of. Not to mention our smallest athletes.

We were never in an outstanding financial situation, our competitors had to compete at their own expense. Our financial situation now requires us to earn extra income even more. Our coaches have been working for free for many years, purely out of love for the sport and the team. Our main coach, he can already spend his last years with us before his retirement, so we need to find a coach, but we also need to provide a salary for that. In addition, we have to pay the hall rental fee, as well as entry and transfer fees, as well as competition/team clothing.

We are grateful if you can help our team!

Opisa še ni.

Opisa še ni.

Prednosti ponavljajočih se donacij:
Organizator prejme 100 % vaših sredstev - ne zaračunavamo nobenih pristojbin.
Ostanete pod popolnim nadzorom - podporo lahko kadar koli prekinete brez kakršnih koli obveznosti.
Organizator se lahko popolnoma osredotoči na svoje delo.
Dobili boste stalen dostop do objav in posebno razlikovanje
Naslednjih plačil se vam ni treba spomniti
To je lažje, kot si mislite :)


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Prenesite mobilno aplikacijo in zbirajte sredstva za svoj cilj, kjer koli ste!


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