id: gh5764

Opening Guesthouse in South Africa

Opening Guesthouse in South Africa

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My name is Shanah, I am 39 years old, and I am from Flemish Brabant. For the past seven years, I have been with my husband, with whom I run a roofing company. My husband has been in this profession for 26 years, and we have been working together for six years.

A few years ago, my husband fell from a roof and broke his back in several places. We have consulted multiple doctors for surgeries, but the chance of paralysis is as high as 60%. Due to the heavy nature of our work, it has become impossible for him to continue his job.

Therefore, we have decided to leave our life in Belgium behind and start a new adventure in South Africa, where we plan to open a guesthouse. To make this dream come true, we need some financial support, which is why we are launching this crowdfunding campaign.

For every €100 invested, we offer a night’s stay in our new guesthouse once it is open. We hope that you will help us build a new life and realize our dream.

Thank you very much for your support!

Wesley and Shanah

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