4fund.com stavi na tehnologijo za izboljšanje zbiranja sredstev!

Objavljeno 21 November, 2023. Posodobitev: 18 December, 2024.
4fund.com stavi na tehnologijo za izboljšanje zbiranja sredstev!
"Smo največja platforma za zbiranje sredstev za katerikoli namen na Poljskem. To je za nas velik uspeh, hkrati pa smo odgovorni, da zbiranje sredstev poteka čim bolj gladko in se konča z najboljšimi možnimi rezultati." - pravi Martyna, odgovorna za podporo uporabnikom in zbirateljem sredstev na portalu 4fund.com. Da bi izpolnili te zahteve, je 4fund.com uvedel nove, edinstvene rešitve.

"Glede na to, da do 75 % prometa na portalu prihaja iz družbenih medijev in da se zbiralci sredstev na teh kanalih delijo na tisočekrat na dan, smo uvedli nekaj pomembnih sprememb, ki vam bodo omogočile učinkovitejše vodenje zbiranja sredstev." - dodaja Martyna iz 4fund.com.

Te nove funkcije, ki bodo nedvomno povečale vsoto denarja, zbranega z zbiranjem sredstev, so:

1. Ljudje, ki delijo zbiralnik sredstev, lahko ustvarijo povezavo za sledenje in spremljajo zadetke in donacije. Te informacije motivirajo souporabnike, ki lahko s klikom na "deliti" preprosto vidijo, koliko denarja je bilo zbranega! Če želite delitev povezati s posebnim algoritmom, ki meri zadetke in donacije, se prijavite. To lahko storite z uporabo Facebooka, računa Google ali klasičnega uporabniškega imena in gesla.

The image shows a split screen. On the left, a man named Adam, 32 years old, is crouching outdoors while holding a professional camera. He is wearing a black cap, black t-shirt, and dark pants, focused on reviewing the camera's display. Below him is a quote that reads: Thanks to the 4fund I got funds to run a travel video blog.  On the right side, there is a sign-in form for an account. The title says Sign in with a note below asking if the user does not have an account, followed by a Sign up link. Two buttons offer login options: Continue with Facebook and Continue with Google. Alternatively, users can enter their Email and Password in designated fields. Below the password input, there is a Forgot password? link. At the bottom, a red button labeled Sign in encourages users to proceed. The layout is clean and minimalistic, focusing on user access.

2. Uporabniki, prijavljeni na enega od zgoraj navedenih načinov, bodo imeli dostop tudi do plošče na strani 4fund.com. Na tej plošči lahko uporabnik poleg števila prispevkov, opravljenih prek povezave za sledenje, preveri tudi število zadetkov na zbiralnik sredstev, ki so prišli zaradi deljenja. Spodaj je prikazan primer statističnih podatkov o deljenju v živo.

The image displays donation statistics for express donations. At the top, there are three summary boxes. The first box shows 39 express donations. The second box shows a total sum of express donations amounting to 941 €. The third box provides two timestamps: the last visit recorded on 17.12.2024 at 10:18 pm and the last donation made on 20.11.2024 at 01:34 pm.  Below, a bar chart titled Donation stats shows the number of express donations (represented in blue) and the total sum of express donations (represented in green) over a selected time range. The chart spans dates from 29.10.2024 to 04.11.2024. The heights of the bars indicate the donation activity, with notable peaks on 29.10.2024, 30.10.2024, and 01.11.2024. Lower activity is visible on 02.11.2024 and 04.11.2024.  On the right side above the chart, there is a date selector currently set to 11/04/2024, with a dropdown for the last 7 days, indicating the time range of the data. The layout is clean and organized, combining summary metrics and a visual representation of donation trends.

3. Po deljenju zbiranja sredstev v enem od družabnih omrežij bo vmesnik uporabnika spodbudil k nadaljnjim ukrepom za promocijo zbiranja sredstev. Ob logotipih družabnih omrežij, ki jih uporabljate, so prikazane zelene kljukice, na vrhu pa je poziv k uporabi drugih družabnih omrežij. Spodaj so prikazane dodatne možnosti deljenja, kot so pošiljanje pošte, gradnik ali plakat s kodo QR.

The image is a success message titled Thank you for sharing. It features a congratulatory statement You are going well accompanied by a party popper emoji. The text informs users that fundraisers shared across multiple channels raise as much as 6.5 times more funds. It acknowledges that sharing increases the chance of success for the fundraiser.  Below the message, it states Shared on 1 of 4 social networks, showing icons for Facebook, LinkedIn, Messenger, and X (formerly Twitter). A copy link section appears with a URL https://4fund.com/sl/hecc8e and a Copy button for convenience.  Further options are presented under Share by email with an expandable option. Additional tools include Download poster, Download QR code, Create widget, and Create tracking link for further promotion of the fundraiser. The layout is clean and focused on encouraging sharing.

4. Zdaj se bo po deljenju vsakemu uporabniku prikazalo tudi posebno pojavno okno, ki ga bo spodbudilo k donaciji. Ta rešitev bo nedvomno povečala skupno število donacij v okviru zbiranja sredstev! Tukaj je prikaz zgoraj omenjenega pojavnega okna:

The image displays a thank-you message from 4fund.com by Zrzutka.pl. At the top, there is the 4fund.com logo with a red piggy bank icon. The main message in bold reads: Thank you for sharing! Below it, a smaller message states: Even 5€ donation can help.  At the bottom, there are two buttons. The first button, in red, says Donate now. Next to it, in smaller red text, there is an option labeled No, thanks. The layout is clean and designed to encourage a small donation after sharing.

Preberite več o naprednih funkcijah, ki so na voljo v naši platformi. To znanje vam bo pomagalo uresničiti vašo zamisel o zbiranju sredstev!

Kliknite tukaj in začnite zbirati sredstva takoj zdaj - to je zelo enostavno in vedno brezplačno!

Ustvarite zbiralnik sredstev - brezplačno, brez provizije!

Ustvarite zbiralnik sredstev - brezplačno, brez provizije!

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