id: 9djtmw

For studies

For studies

Za kaj boste danes zbirali sredstva?
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*Znesek, izražen v evrih na podlagi tehtanega povprečja donacij v vseh valutah. Za več podrobnosti obiščite tudi spletno stran


Hello. I'm Alice from Portugal and I'm here asking you to help me make a dream come true: to go back to school. I'm working full time with children, which is something I love to do, but my dream is to actually go into higher education.Due to the need to survive day to day, pay bills and travel, I currently have no money left to even think about going back to school. Help me make this dream come true and I will be eternally grateful to you. I also commit to showing you updates on how everything is going so you can see that your money is not wasted.

Opisa še ni.

Opisa še ni.


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Prenesite mobilno aplikacijo in zbirajte sredstva za svoj cilj, kjer koli ste!
Prenesite mobilno aplikacijo in zbirajte sredstva za svoj cilj, kjer koli ste!

Denarne skrinjice

Za to zbiranje sredstev še nihče ni ustvaril denarnice. Vaš nabiralnik bo morda prvi!


2500 znaki
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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