id: 8sputu




  • Please save our life and our kids from dying of hunger .we don’t have any access to food or clean water because every thing became very expensive.your donation save our life

    2500 znaki

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Dodajte posodobitve in obveščajte podpornike o napredku kampanje.

Dodajte posodobitve in obveščajte podpornike o napredku kampanje.
To bo povečalo verodostojnost vašega zbiralca sredstev in sodelovanje z donatorji.


we are a family of 9 members two daughters of them have a special healthy cases . One of them suffers from poor vision and strabismus and was scheduled for surgery, but what’s happening right now in Gaza prevented the operation to be completed. The other one suffers from enlarged thyroid gland which affects her growth and concentration. She begins to see that she is smaller than her siblings. You may help her to get treated out of gaza by your donation . Think about a child with this life conditions living under war and siege conditions in addition to losing their homes and evacuating from north gaza to south and living in a tent without any life necessities.Think it’s your family living this life after you had a home ,school ,hospitals and so on . Please your donations helps us every 5 dollars make difference with us.thank you for supporting us.

Opisa še ni.

Opisa še ni.

Prednosti ponavljajočih se donacij:
Organizator prejme 100 % vaših sredstev - ne zaračunavamo nobenih pristojbin.
Ostanete pod popolnim nadzorom - podporo lahko kadar koli prekinete brez kakršnih koli obveznosti.
Organizator se lahko popolnoma osredotoči na svoje delo.
Dobili boste stalen dostop do objav in posebno razlikovanje
Naslednjih plačil se vam ni treba spomniti
To je lažje, kot si mislite :)
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Prenesite mobilno aplikacijo in zbirajte sredstva za svoj cilj, kjer koli ste!
Prenesite mobilno aplikacijo in zbirajte sredstva za svoj cilj, kjer koli ste!

Denarne skrinjice

Za to zbiranje sredstev še nihče ni ustvaril denarnice. Vaš nabiralnik bo morda prvi!


2500 znaki
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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