Fundraiser for going to London to meet and help my homeless son
Fundraiser for going to London to meet and help my homeless son
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I have to fly to London from Poland for at least several days, because my 25-year-old son Maciek needs help. He is homeless, in difficult situation. The trouble started when there was a COVID pandemic, he was then severely ill and lost his job. He was also beaten-up and robbed. At the moment he doesn’t have basic things, any documents or a phone. I want to bring him warm clothes, shoes, medicines, cosmetics and food. And I would like to take him home, to Poland. Unfortunately I can’t afford the cost of this journey, accommodation etc. I am unemployed, because I have to take care of my little daughter, so I’m short of money. I am alone with this problem and I have no support. I really want to make an attempt to find and help him. I imagine our meeting: I give my son clean and warm clothes, a jacket, a scarf, gloves… and a ticket to go home. I imagine taking him out of this hell of homelessness and him coming with me to a warm place to eat, have a cup of tea, and we talk about how it’s going to be okay now. I believe this fundraiser will be successful and we will save my son. If you can, make a donation!

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Ustvarite povezavo za sledenje in preverite, kakšen vpliv ima vaš delež na to zbiranje sredstev. Izvedite več.
Ustvarite povezavo za sledenje in preverite, kakšen vpliv ima vaš delež na to zbiranje sredstev. Izvedite več.