Transplantation neurostimulater
Transplantation neurostimulater
Za kaj boste danes zbirali sredstva?
Hi I am a 37 years old mum of 2 boys, I have fibromyalgia and meddular symptomen... I am in need for a transplantation with neurostimulator so I can have a normal life with my boys to give them a healthy happy mum and make the best memories... would very much appreciate your help to make ecerything get better again... thank you so much
Opisa še ni.
Ustvarite povezavo za sledenje in preverite, kakšen vpliv ima vaš delež na to zbiranje sredstev. Izvedite več.
Ustvarite povezavo za sledenje in preverite, kakšen vpliv ima vaš delež na to zbiranje sredstev. Izvedite več.