Denarnica, ustvarjena za zbiranje sredstev Imeti priložnost za magistrski študij na področju kmetijstva, o katerem sanjam.

Ο κουμπαράς μου

Ο κουμπαράς μου

Ustvarite svoj nabiralnik in zbirajte sredstva za

To have the opportunity to study at the master's degree of my dreams in the field of Agriculture.
Ustvarjanje denarnice

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I am passionate about the world of aromatic and medicinal plants and am seeking your support to pursue my Master's degree in this fascinating field. My goal is to deepen my understanding of these plants' therapeutic properties and their applications in holistic health. With your generous contributions, I will be able to access valuable resources, conduct essential research, and ultimately share my findings with the community. Together, we can promote the benefits of natural remedies and contribute to a healthier future. Thank you for considering supporting my journey!

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Opisa še ni.

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