
An original illustration from a book. It can be a collage, an ink drawing or a cut-out. Let's see what adventures we will encounter. Work format A4. We will of course add our dream book and autograph to the drawing. Thank you very much for your support! You get a sunny smile from us and the smell of chives from the balcony!
For children • Children's books • Other
Our Art Book "Ahoy Adventure!"
The book described above is freshly printed with a dedication from the authors. We will try to have the book printed and handed out before the first-h...

10 €

Art & Craft • Paintings
Hand-drawn postcard
Hand-drawn postcard (ink, collage, paint) with a holiday theme. Each one is different and unique. Thank you so much for your support! Plus you get a s...

5 €

Sunny smile :)
Thank you so much for your support! You receive a sunny smile from us and the scent of mint from our garden! We send smiles into space.

2 €


Trenutno ni drugih ponudb za to zbiranje sredstev.

Original illustration from "Ahoy Adventure!" and the book too :)

50 €



An original illustration from a book. It can be a collage, an ink drawing or a cut-out. Let's see what adventures we will encounter. Work format A4. We will of course add our dream book and autograph to the drawing. Thank you very much for your support! You get a sunny smile from us and the smell of chives from the balcony!

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Osebni prevzem

For children • Children's books • Other
Our Art Book "Ahoy Adventure!"
The book described above is freshly printed with a dedication from the authors. We will try to have the book printed and handed out before the first-h...

10 €

Art & Craft • Paintings
Hand-drawn postcard
Hand-drawn postcard (ink, collage, paint) with a holiday theme. Each one is different and unique. Thank you so much for your support! Plus you get a s...

5 €

Sunny smile :)
Thank you so much for your support! You receive a sunny smile from us and the scent of mint from our garden! We send smiles into space.

2 €


Trenutno ni drugih ponudb za to zbiranje sredstev.