Pentru ce vei strânge fonduri astăzi?
Hello, my name is Bart. I would like to ask for a donation of money, in a very unusual situation.My wife and I have been ordered to leave the house we have rented for 14 years (the house will be sold). We have the opportunity to buy a house, but we are short of about PLN 30,000 (our savings + loan are not enough). We are in a very bad situation. there are no houses for rent and other houses for sale are even more expensive. We were very grateful for every cent or euro or dollar. Thankful from the bottom of my heart. God bless you
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Creați un link de urmărire pentru a vedea ce impact are acțiunea dvs. asupra acestei strângeri de fonduri.
Nimeni nu a creat încă moneybox pentru această strângere de fonduri. Cutia ta de bani poate fi prima!