id: 9dtejn

Medical assistance

Medical assistance


Greetings everyone, I trust this finds you all well. I'm here to request a medical support for our mom who suffers from hypertension and diabetes. Mom's sickness hasn't been easy to manage since we're incapable of financing her treatment and her medication. She has medication she has to take daily that costs €200/ month since she has a risk of suffering from stroke too. We have to also monitor what she eats as she is diabetic and it hasn't been easy since most of her food are costly and so sometimes she's forced to eat normal food like us which in return normally rises her sugar levels.

She has tests she has done and some she's supposed to do but we don't have any cash left to finance these tests and buy her medicines. She recently collapsed and she was told to do an MRI test which we haven't still done because of luck of funds. We're down both financially and emotionally as feel the need to financially support mom but the bills are overwhelming. Anyone willing to donate or offer a different kind if help so mom would get treated will really be of help to us. I have all the tests and doctors notes from previous and current visits for anyone willing to take a look. We kindly need your support towards mom's treatment. We alsi need a hypertension machine for measuring her pressure. Anyone who's willing to donate even a second high blood pressure will really save mom. Feel free to ask for any additional information or even clarity on different areas mentioned above. Thank you so much and be blessed.

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