id: v88jzx

Azog - journey to a better life

Azog - journey to a better life

Para que é que vai angariar fundos hoje?
*Montante expresso em euros com base na taxa média ponderada dos donativos efectuados em todas as moedas. Para mais pormenores, visite


Unfortunately it was not possible to collect the necessary money to organize AZOG’s transport. Thats why the funds have been returned and the collection is finished. I would like to thank to everyone engage to AZOG’s story.

THE INCREDIBLE AZOG HAS FOUND A HOME. Please help him achieve his dream goal and reach a loving home. Azog went through many very difficult moments during the war in Ukraine, he almost die because of cold and hunger. He was rescued and taken to Poland and now a wonderful man Eduardo Pascal wants to adopt Azog and give him everything he needs. Eduardo has extensive experience in working with Dogo Argentino and knows how to provide the dog with appropriate living conditions. In order for the dog to fly to Argentina, we need money for tests, vaccinations, the purchase of a special cage for the plane and plane tickets. I will personally take Azog to his new home to make sure he reaches his destination safely. I am asking you to open your hearts and make even the smallest donation, thanks to which we will be closer to realizing Azog's dream of a peaceful future. Best regards, AleksandrajxhSpNq1tojKc5oL.jpgx6LZOj9jFjfkT8q7.jpgUwJA26nqwrsrX6ip.jpgWUi7QxTA2UP9CdRv.jpg

Ainda não existe uma descrição.

Ainda não existe uma descrição.

Donativos 18

Czerstwy Marian
0 €
Dados ocultos
Dados ocultos
Dados ocultos
0 €
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Dados ocultos
0 €
500 €
0 €
Piotr Majcher
0 €
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Comentários 3

2500 caracteres