id: t48x8x

PEMC Development. Platform of European Memory and Conscience.

PEMC Development. Platform of European Memory and Conscience.


Support PEMC and show that democracy metters. Help us develop an organization that commemorates the victims of totalitarianism. Create with us Pan-European Memorial for Victims and Documentation Center.

The Platform of European Memory and Conscience is a non-profit international non-governmental organisation – an association of legal persons. Established on 14 October 2011 Platform currently brings together 72 public and private institutions and organisations from 24 countries, active in research, documentation, awareness raising and education about the totalitarian regimes which befell Europe in the 20th century. We fight disinformation and demand historical truth. Join us.

The collected funds will be allocated to the work of our office, which manages the organization's main projects. See more:

Ainda não existe uma descrição.

Ainda não existe uma descrição.

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O Organizador recebe 100% dos seus fundos - não cobramos qualquer taxa
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O organizador pode concentrar-se plenamente no seu trabalho
Obtém acesso permanente às mensagens e uma distinção especial
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2500 caracteres