New Year's gifts for Orphan Children
New Year's gifts for Orphan Children
Para que é que vai angariar fundos hoje?

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Hello H.E.L.P. Foundation Friends and new visitors. If you come across our organisation for the first time then we hope to provide many exciting and satisfying moments. We have been supporting resettled Ukrainian Orphanages to Poland. At the outbreak of the war estimated number of 7000 Orphan Children were resettled instantly to our country. We decided to host our guests best way we can. Apart from Polish we have been teaching them English, so to create greater opportunities in the future. We do trips, organise attractions, spend time together like family does. Now we are hoping to make this New Year's for them like never ever before. Let's do this together! We have a WhatsApp group where you can find latest updates. Just write to the head of our organisation Artur Górniewski +48 500 044 140 and you will be up to date with all the fascinating details. Keep in touch!

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Crie uma ligação de acompanhamento para ver o impacto da sua ação nesta angariação de fundos. Para saber mais.
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