id: jxph4b

Buy high quality food and cleaning materials for wild hedgehogs

Buy high quality food and cleaning materials for wild hedgehogs


Hedgehogs have come to my garden for about three years. I started providing high quality food for them early last year, which I put into two feeding boxes on my patio. The cost of food was about 2 EUR per night or 300 g wet food plus a dry food last year. On top of this I need detergent and kitchen paper as well as single use gloves. This year the consumption has increased to 800 gr wet food every night plus dried larvae. I put the increase down to an increased number of hedgehogs because the offspring is more likely to survive the winter once they have had enough food in the autumn for the hibernation period. Also, I saw no road kill and no poisened hedgehogs last year. The cost of feeding them and cleaning the box is approx. 5 EUR per night = approx 150 EUR/month. This is an amount I cannot pay from my pension. Therefore I decided to try and get funds rather than letting them starve.

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2500 caracteres
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