id: jkb4hh

Online platform to meet party/drink buddys

Online platform to meet party/drink buddys

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In the current context, more and more young people in the 35-50 age group find it very difficult to schedule an outing in the city to a pub, restaurant, bar together with old friends. Most now have families or are busy with work. My idea is to create an application that will help such people to find around them other users registered on the platform and to be able to go out together to feel good, to drink a beer in the pub. A kind of drinking buddy or party buddy.

The user can create an account on the site. Be able to be located by the site with geolocation. To be able to view in the area in which he is (or in the respective city) other users registered with an account on the site. To be able to contact the other members through the messaging channel. To be able to record reviews for other members and to be able to give ratings. The qualifications will be collected and create a scoring for the user such as 3,4,5 stars out of 5. When setting up a meeting with another user, the site should offer recommendations of locations (bars, clubs, restaurants) in the area in which is located

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Descarregue a aplicação móvel e angariar fundos para o seu objetivo onde quer que esteja!


2500 caracteres
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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