id: e32e4p

Help family get on the feet♥️

Help family get on the feet♥️

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Hello everyone. Where I can start.. My life started falling apart two years ago. My mother and uncle promised to give me a house in the village, on the condition that I make a sewer there.. I did, I invested my last savings.. When it was time to sign the documents, they just left me on the street. I had my two-month-old son with me.. I had nowhere to go.. I took refuge with my husband's parents on the farm... I work on the farm, but the money is only enough for food.. I borrowed money to pay the bills, but I can't repay the debts anymore... I had a dream to have my own house, but the prices in Lithuania are high, so I quickly buried that dream.. Now I just want to repay my debts.. If there are good people to help me and my son, I will be extremely happy.. Thank you for your time♥️

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2500 caracteres
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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