Hackers scam recovery
Hackers scam recovery
Para que é que vai angariar fundos hoje?
Desperate times needs desperate actions. Beeing honest i think is the best way to deal in life. I am a hard working guy but in a desperate situation. Last year i’ve been scammed by some hackers. They took control over my telephone and mannaged to steal from my personal banking savings up to 100000 €. The bank and authorityes can’t help me to recover the founds. The money was supposed to be used to move in a new home for me and my family.Now i am in big debts with the bank and hardly survive. Please help me to recover at least some parts of my savings and i beg for your honest heart to manage this. Thabk you very much!

Ainda não existe uma descrição.
Crie uma ligação de acompanhamento para ver o impacto da sua ação nesta angariação de fundos. Para saber mais.
Crie uma ligação de acompanhamento para ver o impacto da sua ação nesta angariação de fundos. Para saber mais.