id: cjxmnb

"PANDA" Foundation

"PANDA" Foundation


The Warsaw Zoo Foundation "PANDA" allocates all income to improving the living conditions of animals in the Warsaw Zoo, organizing therapeutic and educational classes, ecological education and helping animals at risk of extinction around the world.

Every year, thanks to funds from the "animal adoption" campaign, the organization of events, the operation of the souvenir shop and the TEMBO restaurant, we can make our Garden more attractive by improving the exhibition conditions in accordance with the principles of animal welfare. We strive to make the Garden a unique place where people enjoy spending time and gaining ecological knowledge.


The Foundation is proud of numerous modern buildings for our residents, such as a house for lemurs, a house for gibbons, a bedroom for rhinos, a new interior of a giraffe house, an elephant house and many, many others. The Foundation's great achievement is the revitalization of the Crazy Star Villa - tourists from all over the world can learn the war secrets of our zoo and hear about its charismatic director - Dr. Jan Żabiński.



The job of zoo keepers is definitely not easy. To facilitate their daily tasks and maximize the time devoted to behavioral classes, the Foundation tries to provide the highest quality equipment, such as tractors, loaders, carts and many others.



Animals in nature are generally never bored. They spend most of their time foraging, looking for food or traveling great distances to meet a female or male of their species. It's different in zoos - the food is served. And what's more, it's tasty and healthy, because animal keepers take care of a well-balanced diet and regular feeding times.

To effectively encourage physical activity and mental training, toys are manufactured by specialized companies. Such items are usually expensive because they must have appropriate certificates.



Another important element of our activity is saving endangered animal species in their natural environment. We support many programs that you can support too! Visit our profile on and read the details.


Crestless Firebacks in Java

The Foundation built and equipped a research station in Batu Secret Zoo in Java, where Crestless Firebacks are bred. It is an endemic species of pheasant from Sumatra, whose situation in the natural environment is seriously unstable. According to the IUCN, this species has a Vulnerable (VU) status. Therefore, there is an urgent need to create stable breeding groups of these birds in zoos, as a genetic base for the natural population.

We support the protection of gorillas in Africa

There has been an alarming increase in the number of gorilla poachers in Africa. For eastern lowland gorillas (Gorilla beringei graueri), the Congo Basin was a safe and comfortable home. These mammals, who spend almost half of their day eating (mainly plants) and the other half on resting and strengthening family relationships, have no natural enemies. However, this one came from outside and turned out to have a human face again. Grauer's gorillas are the largest primates in the world and could become extinct within 10 years. In the early 1990s, their number was estimated at up to 17,000. As a result of the situation on the eastern border of the Democratic Republic of Congo - the natural habitat of Grauer's Gorillas - this number has decreased by almost 80%.

More info:

We support the protection of mountain gibbons in Kon Ka Kinh National Park, Vietnam.

Gibbons (Nomascus sp.) - are endangered primates, included in the Red List of Threatened Species of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and covered by the CITES convention. In Kon Ka Kinh (KKK) National Park in central Vietnam, an ongoing conservation project for these animals was launched in June 2016 under the leadership of a highly experienced local project manager. This is a continuation of a similar project conducted for yellow-faced gibbons (Nomascus gabriellae) in the Nam Nung reserve in southern Vietnam.

We support the conservation of northern Indian hornbills

Hornbills are threatened with extinction, they breed quite rarely, and they are naturally distributed at large distances from each other. They are monogamous, have a long breeding season (from March to August), which requires intensive parental care. They nest in large softwood trees with existing cavities. During the breeding season, pairs of hornbills find a suitable hole. They block up the entrance to the hole with mud and feces, but before the end of construction, the female enters the hole, and then the male finishes building, leaving a small hole through which he feeds the family. This biology of hornbills makes them extremely vulnerable to hunting, and deforestation causes habitat loss, which means population declines and nesting sites disappear.

We support the protection of tropical amphibians

The aim of the support is to keep selected amphibian species (which would become extinct in nature) out of the natural environment, so that they can be released back into the natural environment if the threat has passed and there are suitable places for amphibians to repopulate. Cooperation with ICUN SSC Amphibian Specialist Group (ASG) and Amphibian Ark (AArk).



Through education in an unusual atmosphere, we spread knowledge and awareness about endangered animal species and the threats they face in their natural environment.


A series of lectures and workshops for young people aged 12-15 - cooperation with the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences and the Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences.


Summer camps for children

“THE WHOLE WORLD IN A NUTSHELL” – around the world in five days.

Summer camps at the ZOO are a time to consolidate proper social relationships, develop pro-ecological attitudes, and learn respect for animals and the surrounding nature. The outdoor activities and games we prepare have a positive impact on children's psychomotor development. Every day is a new continent, new meetings, a large dose of knowledge, unforgettable emotions and great fun. Children learn the names of animals, their stories and customs, and find answers to questions: Is a zebra white with black stripes or black with white stripes? How long can a hippopotamus stay underwater? Why are flamingos pink? Are sloths lazy? With Ricky Lyon, they learn to play the drums and sing African songs, and the actors of the Teatr Lalka take them to the magical world of fairy tales.




Contact with animals has a positive effect on children. It supports their psychomotor development, strengthens their self-esteem, and motivates them to self-improvement. Additionally, by taking care of a chosen animal, a child learns what empathy is and learns responsibility. Therefore, it can be said that zootherapy improves the processes of upbringing and wise socialization. We run free classes for our students:

· Oncology of the Pediatric Hospital of the Medical University of Warsaw together with the Ronald McDonald Foundation

· „Pomoc Autyzm” Foundation

· Zaczarowane Ziarenko" kindergarten for chronically ill children

· „Dziecięca Fantazja” Foundation

· „Spełniamy Marzenia” Foundation

· „Uskrzydlamy” Foundation

· Masovian Center for Neuropsychiatry


DREAMNIGHT "Evening of Dreams"

The action is international and takes place in zoos in many countries. On this special day, special guests come to the ZOO - terminally and chronically ill and disabled children - to celebrate Children's Day together. Every year the event becomes more and more popular, and the number of young guests from the most distant corners of Poland continues to grow!


“ZOObacz słonia jeszcze bliżej” (See the elephant even closer)

Together with the Oncology Team of the Pediatric Hospital of the Medical University of Warsaw and the Ronald McDonald Foundation, we are implementing the project "ZOObacz słonia jeszcze bliżej", showing young patients and their families that oncological disease can be defeated.




From EUR 30 a month you can become a member of the Warsaw ZOO Lovers' Club. Exclusive meetings are organized for Club Members to deepen their knowledge about animals, get to know the ZOO "from the inside", find out what the work of animal guardians is like and rational methods of breeding endangered species. Visit our website and check membership privileges:


All donations made for our statutory purposes can be deducted from your personal income tax. More information can be found on our website: The money collected from donating 1.5% of the tax will be allocated entirely to in-situ programs to save animals at risk of extinction in their natural environment.


"PANDA" Foundation

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