id: 6y4vac

For my girlfriend

For my girlfriend

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I'm an 18-year-old student and believe I have found the love of my life in my girlfriend. Unfortunately, we live literally at the opposite end of the world from each other. Living so far from her is painful and in the past year and a half that we have been together, we have not been able to meet even once in person. Currently, medical and financial issues keep us from being able to meet and have the money to meet. I do know there are several long-distance couples out there but being so tied to a continent when she has been tied to another for over a year unable to see each other feels like we are worlds apart.

I hope to be able to get to her as she lives in the Philippines and I am in Romania before her birthday on the 19th of this month. The main issue here is that her health is rapidly deteriorating. I do not want to breach her comfort by disclosing the health issue but I am genuinely scared I may lose her before I even get to hold her hand. I have a job and contribute to my goal of seeing her which would cost me otherwise close to 2000 euros.

It doesn't make it any easier that her health is rapidly declining and everything is getting more expensive for her. The stress she's facing makes everything so much worse and everything just seems to be going downhill faster and faster and I can't do anything about it because I'm stuck here. our greatest wish is to see each other and I don't want to miss that especially when I could be there on her birthday. Our families are unable to provide help due to their disagreement with us being together so support is more than lacking. please help us meet before it is too late

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Ainda não existe uma descrição.


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Descarregue a aplicação móvel e angariar fundos para o seu objetivo onde quer que esteja!


2500 caracteres
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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