Moneybox criado para a angariação de fundos Help us overcome a crisis

Help us from crisis

Help us from crisis

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Help us overcome a crisis
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Help us overcome a crisis
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Descrição do moneybox

Hi everyone,

I’m reaching out to share my heart with you during an incredibly difficult time. I live in Bulgaria, while my boyfriend is in Lebanon. The ongoing crisis has taken a severe toll on his life, and I fear for his safety and well-being. Every day, the situation worsens, and I feel helpless knowing he’s going through this alone.

He has been experiencing health issues lately, which only adds to my anxiety. Our conversations have become filled with worry as he’s been collapsing and feeling increasingly unwell. I’m desperate to be there for him, to support him through these trying times, but the distance and circumstances make it so hard.

I believe that love knows no borders, and I’m asking for your help to bridge the gap. Your donations will go towards ensuring he gets the medical care he needs and helping us find a way to be together during this crisis. Every little bit counts and would mean the world to us.

Thank you for taking the time to read our story. Your support can truly make a di


Ainda não existe uma descrição.

Ainda não existe uma descrição.


ainda não há donativos, seja o primeiro a doar!

Ainda não há donativos, seja o primeiro a doar!
