id: 2hdejp

Paying my loan

Paying my loan

Para que é que vai angariar fundos hoje?
Criar angariação de fundos
*Montante expresso em euros com base na taxa média ponderada dos donativos efectuados em todas as moedas. Para mais pormenores, visite


Hello everybody,

I recently been laid off from an IT company, and despite the salary package which is not too big, I have some loans to pay. i am actively looking for a new job but it takes time as corporate companies are not willing to pay that much so they always say i am overqualified. I have 2 children to raise and a monthly installment. this is not the entire amount but helps me pay until the end of the year. this way i can look for a decent job with a decent salary.

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Descarregue a aplicação móvel e angariar fundos para o seu objetivo onde quer que esteja!
Descarregue a aplicação móvel e angariar fundos para o seu objetivo onde quer que esteja!


2500 caracteres
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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