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Ahoy adventure! A picture book for youngsters and parents.

Ahoy adventure! A picture book for youngsters and parents.

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Adicione actualizações e mantenha os apoiantes informados sobre a evolução da campanha.
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Summer holidays are just around the corner!

We invite kids and parents to a visual expedition through a mysterious forest and beaches full of golden sand, shells and stones. We will explore lakes, rocks and hills, watch hedgehogs and owls, collect cones and herbs, sniff mint, eat cold sorbets and kayak into the unknown.

Our picture book consists of drawings that tell the story of summer experiences. It is an opportunity to learn new words, play with imagination, invite children to draw and explore the world, conclude a day of adventures, and say good night on holiday, but also to prepare children for their departure and for the surprises awaiting them during the next holidays.


An artistic picture book made using collage, cut-out and drawing techniques. Illustrations as colourful, luscious and intense as holidays! Perfect A4 format. About 20 illustrations. 

Print run

We anticipate a limited edition of 100 copies. Everyone who will donate 10 EUR will receive it. This amount will cover the cost of printing and part of our work. We want it to reach you before the holidays :)

About us

We are anthropologists and ethnographers by education. We like drawing very much. We live in Warsaw, in a large block of flats, view the city from the 10th floor and dream of travelling on a pirate ship.


The idea to create a picture book for children has been with us for a long time. We were encouraged to do so by our family and friends, for which we are very grateful :)

We invite you to take part in the book adventure!


Sophie and Jacques

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Ofertas/leilões 4

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Criado pelo organizador:
Sunny smile :)
Thank you so much for your support! You receive a sunny smile from us and the scent of mint from our garden! We send smiles into space.

2 €

Art & Craft • Paintings
Hand-drawn postcard
Hand-drawn postcard (ink, collage, paint) with a holiday theme. Each one is different and unique. Thank you so much for your support! Plus you get a s...

5 €

For children • Children's books • Other
Our Art Book "Ahoy Adventure!"
The book described above is freshly printed with a dedication from the authors. We will try to have the book printed and handed out before the first-h...

10 €

Art & Craft • Hand made
Original illustration from "Ahoy Adventure!" and the book too :)
An original illustration from a book. It can be a collage, an ink drawing or a cut-out. Let's see what adventures we will encounter. Work format A4. W...

50 €


Caixas de dinheiro

Ainda ninguém criou um mealheiro para esta angariação de fundos. O seu mealheiro pode ser o primeiro!


2500 caracteres
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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