Kasica stvorena za prikupljanje sredstava SOS FLOODS

Infobip moneybox to support those affected by floods in Poland

Infobip moneybox to support those affected by floods in Poland

Ova kasica dopunjava stanje prikupljanja sredstava:

400 € Sredstva prikupljena putem kasice
8 donatori
4fund.com ne naplaćuje nikakvu naknadu

Stvorite svoju kasicu i prikupite sredstva za

Stvorite kasicu

Opis kasice

The south of Poland is severely affected by serious flooding, the biggest in years.

The situation described by the BBC roughly shows the scale of the problem.

Let's support this fundraiser to help those affected go through this difficult period.

See the fundraiser description for more details.

Još nema opisa.

Još nema opisa.

Donacije 8

Skriveni podaci
50 €
Korisnik neregistriran
70 €
Korisnik neregistriran
50 €
Skriveni podaci
Korisnik neregistriran
30 €
Skriveni podaci
50 €
Dominik Žigrović
50 €
Piotr Machner
50 €