id: v9bnf9

My goal Is to travel around the world, meet new people And find out who I really am.

My goal Is to travel around the world, meet new people And find out who I really am.

Pourquoi allez-vous collecter des fonds aujourd'hui ?
*Montant exprimé en euros sur la base du taux moyen pondéré des dons effectués dans toutes les devises. Pour plus d'informations, consultez le site


Hello my name Is Igor. Im the ordinary 26 old guy with some lifemeaning issues. Most of the time I spend in gym or in apartment. Im single and that is probably the reason I have lot of time to think about myself And how to become the best version of myself. I hope that traveling Is good way to start. Hopefully I can meet new people, that allow me to see world from another perspective.

Thank you for considering my request And im sorry for my english.😅

Il n'y a pas encore de description.

Il n'y a pas encore de description.



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2500 personnages
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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